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What You Need To Know About Teething Whitening

Are you self-conscious about your smile? If you think that your stained teeth are beyond help, we can help. You’ll be surprised at what’s possible with today’s teeth whitening treatments at Graystone Dental Centre.

You’ll be surprised at how easy a dazzling white smile is to achieve. Our experienced dental team will get to know you and learn about your smile goals.


Together, we’ll create a treatment plan to whiten your teeth with beautiful, natural-looking results. Often it will include the use of custom fitted trays with a concentrated peroxide gel. When you leave our office, you’ll feel empowered and confident in our plan for your dental health.


Let’s show your healthy, natural, and beautiful smile to the world.


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M, T, Th: 7am - 4pm
W: 7am - 7pm
F: 7am - 2:30pm



M - F: 7am - 2:30pm



9714 Main St, #101 Fort McMurray, AB T9H 1T6, Canada     |     Tel: 780-743-5958

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